Baptismal Service at Chiapas in the Jungle With The Mayan Indian
These were people that David, our missionary there had won to the Lord and has discipled them to make sure they understand everything about salvation and baptism. David is doing a great job. If you have not send any money to support him, it would be great if your church would to make sure that we can continue to have him there a at least awhile longer. If your church has send some or your brotherhood or WMU or a Sunday school class or whatever, it would be great if you would like to send another gift to help out with the cost of him being there. Thanks for all that have given and made it possible for us to reach these with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The chief of the Naha tribe wants to give us some land to erect a structure for a church so they can come together and worship as well as having Bible Studies in different homes. Continue to remember this ministry of the LBA Churches in your prayers.
The chief of the Naha tribe wants to give us some land to erect a structure for a church so they can come together and worship as well as having Bible Studies in different homes. Continue to remember this ministry of the LBA Churches in your prayers.